Technical question

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Technical question

Beitrag von Hotline-Frage »

We are a firm specialized in digital model railroad in the Netherlands.
I hope you can help us.

We are trying to use the MX820Y decoder with a switch and a lightsignal.
But we can not get it working.

First we connect the switch to the white and Yellow wire. (or orange and grey)
On site 3 from the provisorische betreibsanleiting the drawing shows that we should use the white and grey wire. (or orange and yellow)
We have tried both.

Then we checked the CV’s according the manual. Page 12. (CV 513, 545, 517, 514) bad nothing happens.
We have tried 2 decoders. We can read en write all CV’s (with the MXULFA)
We have read the manuals thoroughly and the the posiblity’s off the decoders are enormous but therefore also difficult to understand.
Wat are we doing wrong? Please advice..
Ein Fragesteller auf der ZIMO-Hotline
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Registriert: 22 Nov 2017, 17:39
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Re: Technical question

Beitrag von ZimoGuru »

Dear Requester!

You have to connect the switch with grey, orange and blue (common +) and the signal with white, yellow and blue (common +).
If You have changed any CVs before, please reset he decoder (CV 8 = 8).
Now in the default-configuration You can use the switch and the signal by using the DCC-adress 3 (switch is port 1, signal is port 2).
If You have a command-station, which uses switch-numbers, it will be the numbers 9 and 10.

For the signal You have to set CV 516 to „0“, because otherwise the lamps only will flash.
Die Antwort wurde nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen erstellt!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Andreas Pascher
Beiträge: 148
Registriert: 22 Nov 2017, 17:23
Wohnort: irgendwo

Re: Technical question

Beitrag von Hotline-Frage »

Thanks Hr Pascher,

It works the way you discribed.

But now we are trying to connect a lightsein with 3 (or 4) leds to connect to the decoder according the exemple on page 37 from the Zimo catalogs.
But that does not seems to work.

Is the example correct?
Ein Fragesteller auf der ZIMO-Hotline
Beiträge: 488
Registriert: 22 Nov 2017, 17:39
Wohnort: 2104 Spillern

Re: Technical question

Beitrag von ZimoGuru »

Dear Requester!

Yes the example is correct!

What exactly does not work?
Die Antwort wurde nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen erstellt!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Andreas Pascher