Activatie the brake noise in MX645P22

NMRA, ZIMO erweitertes Mapping
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 09 Jan 2020, 15:33

Activatie the brake noise in MX645P22

Beitrag von ptalkema »

Dear sir/mrs,
Last week I bought the Roco NS1223 sound.
I think that the Zimo decoder MX645P22 is built in.

I like to adjust several cv settings, but I can't find the right one for:
1. The brake noise is deactivated. Which cvs can I adjust for activatie?
2. I want to built in 2 Krois couplings and want these activate them together with F11 (same as the coupling noise).
The loc have to drive a little backwards, then decoupling and then driving forwards.

Please can you help me for the right cv settings?
I have read your manual, but I don 't understand the right settings.

Thanks you and best regards,
Piet Alkema, the Netherlands
Beiträge: 488
Registriert: 22 Nov 2017, 17:39
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Re: Activatie the brake noise in MX645P22

Beitrag von ZimoGuru »

Dear Piet Alkema!

You can activate the brake noise by using the CV 300 procedure.
CV 300 = 130
Then You can seek the correct Sound.
Please see the Manual to do so.

Which Outputs do You want to use for the couplings?

Best regards
Die Antwort wurde nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen erstellt!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Andreas Pascher