Function key for switching effects on and off

NMRA, ZIMO erweitertes Mapping
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Registriert: 09 Jul 2020, 14:41

Function key for switching effects on and off

Beitrag von lub »


I wonder if someone could tell me how to make CVs settings in order to program one function key to engage, for example, front lights without effect (F0), and the other function key, say F1, to activate the same lights with an effect..? Now I am only able to activate or desactivate effects for the front lights in CV#125, and cannot figure out how to program function keys to quickly switch effects on and off...

Many thanks for your kind help.
Beiträge: 488
Registriert: 22 Nov 2017, 17:39
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Re: Function key for switching effects on and off

Beitrag von ZimoGuru »

Hello lub (???)

It is not possible to activate once with effects and once without effects.
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Andreas Pascher